Friday, December 18, 2009

Reading more parenting books

Right now, I am reading a book that a classmate and fellow mama gave me for my baby shower. It's called, The Childhood Roots of Adult Happiness. And while it is written by a pyschologist, I won't hold that against him (LOL).

He says that there are 5 interconnected steps (Feri people, this should sound familar!) to helping a child learn the skill of cultivating happiness throughout their life:

1. Connection
2. Play
3. Practice
4. Mastery
5. Recognition

I am about to begin the in-depth chapters on each step in the process and how the relate and build to one another. But it seems interesting and sound... He talks about having a "happy childhood" and material resources not leading to being a happy, well adjusted adult- only learning the skills to control your own ability to happy will do that. And these are skills that you can introduce from a young age to help a child develop them...

In pregnancy news, Obie and I graduated from childbirth class this week, and are about to enter weekly midwife visits soon, as we are getting down to the wire (Is it really only 5 more weeks? Eep!). Rowan continues to grow (as do I) and move about. Soon, we'll both be outta room! Pictures soon- we finally got a replacement camera battery charger!

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